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宁波引航举办“建设‘双一流’,强港写青春” 英语风采比赛






在活动最后,鲍冯军发表讲话,他表示选手们的表现充满惊喜,并引用电影《肖申克的救赎》中的一句台词It takes a strong man to save himself,and a great man to save another。”,勉励青工打牢英语基础,不断努力加强英语学习,积极备战长三角引航杯英语比赛,争取不负所托,勇往直前,取得佳绩。同时,做好英语技能储备,更好地为“双一流”强港建设贡献青春力量。


1:刘洪举 《What makes a good pilot


From seamens view, a good pilot should possess the following qualities: Kind & Polite; clear communication skills; good ship maneuvering skills; The ability to remain calm.


2:陈晓 《Be the best of whatever you are


Introduce my growth and find the reason what lead me to choose pilot career. There are so many things for everyone to finish everything. What we should do is just besides us, no matter its great or meaningless. Be the best of whatever you are .


3:张范凡 《Responsibility


As a dispatcher in the general dispatch room of Ningbo Pilot Station, the term "responsibility" carries utmost importance to me. It permeates every aspect of my daily work and plays an essential role in guiding my performance on the job.


4:潘超 《Follow VLCC Travel around the world


Travel around the world to china with VLCC. And something about me became an assistant pilot.


5:胡寅 《Growth


Trying be better


6:马健 《The import role of pilot


Pilot is full of challenge and risk, need more professional skill and responsibility.


7:毕书诚 《After the dream come true


When I was in college, pilot was my dream. Now, my dream has come true, but what will life be like after my dream comes true?


8:孙烨 《I am what I choose to become》。


How did I become an assistant pilot, what happened after I became an assistant pilot.




Dream come true, maintain love, work hard.


10:徐胜寒,演讲主题《How to work better


SHARE TEN TIPSdo one thing at a timeand do it well. admit mistake. say simple. know the problem. find solution. not to blame someone. distinguish sense from nonsense. accept change is inevitable. be calm never Panic. Smile.


11:高誉 《The Chorus


Because of my expressive ability with all my strength, some lucky opportunities, and then through my wonderful interpretation and making a successful performance. I may try to show my well-prepared performance in a very unexpected way and be the leading role in the next performance. The world is unfair, but that doesn't make it any less worth living. Because in this way of striving, we are always our own protagonists.


12:赵彪锋 《Confidence


How to become a confident pilot.


 金路皓 戚豪磊